a - Á. Muñóz pinch hit for A. Abdul-Halim in the 5th
b - M. Vega substituted for Á. Muñóz in the 5th
c - A. Pryor pinch hit for M. Plummer in the 7th
d - K. Su'ud pinch hit for G. Hiriza in the 7th
e - J. Boniface pinch hit for M. Vega in the 7th
f - F. Fernández substituted for J. Boniface in the 7th
g - R. Cardenas pinch ran for A. Sloan in the 8th
h - L. Lara substituted for R. Cardenas in the 8th
i - B. Crowe pinch hit for D. Lawson in the 9th
j - D. Park substituted for B. Crowe in the 9th
J. Oliva
(9, 6th Inning off D. Calado, 0 on, 0 outs)
N. Sandoval
2 (3, 8th Inning off B. Bertram, 0 on, 1 out; 10th Inning off J. Chapa, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Oliva
N. Sandoval
M. Plummer
D. Lawson
K. Su'ud
F. Fernández
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Oliva
Á. Colón
P. Edgar
A. Pryor
Á. Muñóz
Team LOB:
F. Fernández
Á. Colón
Double Plays:
3 (Plummer-Abdul-Halim-Colón, Abdul-Halim-Plummer-Colón, Fernández-Lawson-Colón)
a - R. Rodríguez substituted for H. bin Hussein in the 8th
b - C. Reavis substituted for A. Hernández in the 8th
c - F. bin Basil pinch hit for M. Matterson in the 8th
d - R. Rodríguez pinch hit for H. Lancaster in the 8th
e - A. Fuentes pinch hit for L. Wan in the 8th
f - J. Rainer substituted for F. bin Basil in the 9th
g - P. Pérez substituted for R. Rodríguez in the 9th
h - L. Hernández pinch hit for R. Rodríguez in the 9th
i - F. Cordero pinch hit for C. Reavis in the 9th
j - W. Nasser substituted for L. Hernández in the 10th
k - P. Collier pinch hit for W. Nasser in the 10th
C. Casillas
4 (7, 4th Inning off L. Harris, 0 on, 0 outs; 6th Inning off L. Harris, 0 on, 0 outs; 7th Inning off B. Navarro, 1 on, 2 outs; 9th Inning off B. Navarro, 0 on, 2 outs)
G. León
(1, 4th Inning off L. Harris, 1 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
H. bin Hussein
A. Hernández
C. Casillas
G. León
J. Barrón
R. Rodríguez
R. Pinkerton
A. Fuentes
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
P. Collier
G. León
J. Rainer
R. Pinkerton
A. Hernández
C. Casillas
A. Fuentes
Team LOB:
G. León
2 (2)
M. Matterson
Double Plays:
1 (Matterson-León-Hernández)