a - L. Horne pinch hit for C. Bates in the 7th
b - P. Parker pinch hit for C. Bouzios in the 7th
c - B. Kotas substituted for L. Horne in the 7th
d - P. Baca substituted for P. Parker in the 7th
e - J. Barrios pinch hit for R. Nasution in the 8th
f - F. Duncan substituted for J. Barrios in the 8th
g - H. Morán pinch hit for J. Méndez in the 9th
h - C. Chávez pinch hit for E. Gonzáles in the 9th
Total Bases:
S. Tamir
P. Crase
M. Moreno
Ö. Irwin
L. Horne
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Barrios
E. Gonzáles
Sac Fly:
P. Parker
Team LOB:
R. Nasution
Double Plays:
3 (Bates-Gonzáles-Moreno, Bates-Gonzáles-Moreno, Moreno-Nasution-Moreno)
a - D. Lubchenkov pinch hit for E. Rosa in the 7th
b - J. Lazar pinch hit for A. Sallado in the 7th
c - A. Moore pinch hit for Y. Chieu in the 7th
d - G. Danna substituted for D. Lubchenkov in the 8th
e - P. Witcher substituted for J. Lazar in the 8th
f - M. Varner pinch hit for A. Calderón in the 8th
g - L. Ruíz pinch hit for G. Danna in the 8th
h - S. MacLaren substituted for M. Varner in the 9th
i - M. González substituted for L. Ruíz in the 9th
M. Jerome
(1, 8th Inning off D. Pettey, 1 on, 2 outs)
A. Sallado
(1, 5th Inning off J. Curtis, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
Y. Chieu
(1, 3rd Inning off J. Curtis, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
A. Trussell
M. Jerome
A. Calderón
M. Varner
A. Sallado
J. Lazar
Y. Chieu
2-out RBI:
M. Jerome
L. Ruíz
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Trussell
P. Witcher
C. Medina
H. MacDonald
A. Calderón
Sac Bunt:
C. Medina
Team LOB: