League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
JL | FL : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
JJ Abrams 2017-2031 1684 6096 870 1599 372 56 58 553 227 131 695 1294 .262 .341 .370 .712
Juan Alvarado 2017-2026 835 2523 298 533 91 4 102 291 8 5 340 682 .211 .305 .372 .677
Jeff Anderson 2017-2027 459 1127 130 220 36 3 13 63 44 26 42 373 .195 .223 .267 .490
Bill Barnes 2017-2017 159 574 44 123 28 2 8 43 7 5 23 185 .214 .249 .312 .561
Bernardo Becerra 2017-2027 1374 4869 641 1437 256 65 80 568 165 119 285 421 .295 .336 .424 .759
Peter Beck 2017-2021 224 576 67 140 24 11 10 48 28 13 36 186 .243 .292 .375 .667
William Billies 2017-2028 943 2911 384 734 169 11 130 444 7 2 219 624 .252 .304 .452 .755
Ramón Calderón 2017-2026 711 2305 241 551 117 21 46 236 59 54 103 538 .239 .273 .368 .641
Jared Carpenter 2017-2023 387 1192 108 289 76 3 20 90 1 2 103 171 .242 .304 .362 .666
Rafael Cedeño 2017-2018 33 97 7 24 7 1 0 11 1 1 17 20 .247 .357 .340 .697
Leo Curry 2017-2025 568 1600 168 397 65 11 20 135 55 27 73 357 .248 .285 .340 .625
Mauro Gonzáles 2017-2017 10 17 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 .235 .235 .235 .471
Cristián Grewar 2017-2022 204 639 62 134 32 5 8 52 12 7 35 126 .210 .257 .313 .570
Héctor Guzmán 2017-2018 102 336 43 65 14 1 15 35 20 6 29 93 .193 .263 .375 .638
Pedro Gómez 2017-2032 971 2946 295 796 166 3 60 304 1 2 131 573 .270 .299 .390 .689
Dustin Harris 2017-2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Seth Henson 2017-2017 158 483 38 110 19 1 6 42 0 0 38 92 .228 .284 .308 .593
Victor Hoffman 2017-2025 343 988 90 204 30 5 13 80 38 20 47 268 .206 .244 .286 .530
Marcus Hollis 2017-2021 546 1794 212 400 58 5 84 249 16 16 176 531 .223 .296 .401 .697
Christian Holloway 2017-2019 180 425 36 90 11 5 3 27 5 3 9 107 .212 .233 .282 .515
Richard Howell 2017-2021 144 338 39 94 17 3 6 39 6 6 14 78 .278 .303 .399 .702
Edward Hudson 2017-2019 199 597 92 156 34 4 24 84 7 6 53 133 .261 .322 .452 .774
Don Jones 2017-2023 327 694 79 149 18 3 5 58 49 21 49 197 .215 .265 .271 .536
Howard Jones 2017-2017 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 .500 .500 1.500 2.000
Garry Kelly 2017-2017 45 121 7 22 4 1 0 5 6 1 4 32 .182 .214 .231 .446
William Kidd 2017-2029 1441 5252 708 1540 198 31 74 573 258 120 387 599 .293 .344 .385 .729
Gabriel Lerma 2017-2024 671 2247 308 576 110 3 141 372 1 2 144 656 .256 .304 .496 .800
Miguel León 2017-2017 4 14 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 .214 .214 .214 .429
Shane Lutz 2017-2024 281 636 87 165 42 3 15 69 13 6 62 127 .259 .325 .406 .730
Anthony Lynch 2017-2023 398 1109 158 276 42 8 50 134 42 10 27 298 .249 .271 .436 .708
Luis Martínez 2017-2030 1803 6265 782 1755 272 52 16 499 275 97 518 709 .280 .340 .348 .688
Diego Moreno 2017-2033 2239 8613 1182 2489 365 60 269 1093 242 149 735 1874 .289 .344 .439 .783
Roman Moronie 2017-2018 10 26 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 .077 .077 .192 .269
Tim Parsons 2017-2022 706 2422 280 668 114 4 61 298 11 2 177 315 .276 .323 .402 .725
Richard Poe 2017-2021 620 2278 345 637 120 18 94 314 50 14 132 357 .280 .317 .472 .789
J.T. Revelator 2017-2030 1673 5435 720 1330 276 33 117 564 66 41 670 1318 .245 .327 .372 .699
Luis Rivera 2017-2024 725 2271 294 607 77 24 9 201 73 39 198 409 .267 .333 .334 .667
Zach Rouse 2017-2021 368 1280 107 269 65 3 38 162 0 1 39 300 .210 .235 .355 .590
Leon Sandcastle 2017-2037 2770 10335 1773 3099 449 128 468 1557 431 319 1412 2709 .300 .386 .504 .889
Shaun Snelling 2017-2022 355 671 88 169 32 10 5 75 43 30 18 132 .252 .275 .352 .627
Al Stewart 2017-2017 5 8 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 .375 .375 .500 .875
António Sánchez 2017-2029 568 1323 133 290 74 0 42 139 0 2 109 430 .219 .278 .370 .648
Jaime Valle 2017-2021 418 1430 181 298 70 6 78 193 2 3 83 469 .208 .251 .429 .681
Pedro Vega 2017-2025 846 3273 513 941 116 24 206 525 90 61 173 472 .288 .326 .526 .853
Carlos Villalobos 2017-2017 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Roberto Vázquez 2017-2021 126 454 61 117 25 6 11 46 7 8 32 109 .258 .306 .412 .718
Bryan Wood 2017-2020 193 657 83 134 40 5 15 64 31 11 31 204 .204 .247 .349 .595
Vicente Acevado 2017-2037 54 44 .551 3.98 598 41 0 0 48 891.2 844 394 99 329 757
Scott Adams 2017-2027 32 23 .582 3.02 488 0 0 0 15 437.2 353 147 38 155 368
Justin Atkins 2017-2023 4 2 .667 4.97 63 1 0 0 1 114.0 110 63 20 47 108
Manny Bautista 2017-2031 192 100 .658 3.27 436 396 12 0 2 2681.2 2524 974 221 556 2134
Christian Brown 2017-2028 113 114 .498 4.09 320 277 50 9 15 2024.0 2063 919 282 417 1728
Glenn Bryant 2017-2018 6 2 .750 3.45 38 13 0 0 3 151.1 142 58 13 41 107
Rodrigo Cardoza 2017-2026 12 8 .600 3.36 179 6 1 0 9 356.1 371 133 18 107 193
Bret Carter 2017-2029 20 52 .278 5.05 162 84 5 1 2 606.1 619 340 92 253 427
Merle Chitty 2017-2017 1 3 .250 9.54 42 0 0 0 0 44.1 74 47 12 17 28
Carlos Cortéz 2017-2031 151 162 .482 4.11 429 412 24 5 0 2683.1 2613 1226 420 721 2405
Juan Cruz 2017-2029 88 107 .451 4.31 341 243 33 4 2 1824.0 1948 874 210 594 1221
Juan Carlos Cruz 2017-2017 1 0 1.000 6.12 27 0 0 0 0 25.0 34 17 3 9 12
Dalton Dickenson 2017-2017 0 0 .000 7.71 3 0 0 0 0 4.2 12 4 1 1 3
Gary Estes 2017-2035 240 127 .654 3.58 559 495 23 6 4 3436.0 3262 1365 379 682 2935
Eduardo Feliciano 2017-2020 1 2 .333 7.64 72 0 0 0 2 110.2 152 94 21 69 59
Nathan Ford 2017-2027 43 45 .489 4.04 415 53 2 0 35 768.0 684 345 82 372 729
Kenny Foster 2017-2020 2 1 .667 3.07 79 0 0 0 1 126.0 121 43 9 64 65
Luis Freitas 2017-2027 158 100 .612 3.35 357 355 27 9 0 2365.1 2164 881 175 677 2003
Chris Godwin 2017-2023 25 29 .463 4.96 206 49 1 1 15 507.2 496 280 82 160 452
Bobby Guthrington 2017-2029 49 48 .505 3.51 640 12 1 0 212 781.1 617 305 120 280 1031
Chet Hawkins 2017-2023 18 23 .439 4.56 142 60 0 0 4 404.2 394 205 56 180 334
António Hernández 2017-2024 62 43 .590 4.38 188 153 2 0 0 980.0 962 477 148 305 874
José Herrera 2017-2020 7 6 .538 4.89 142 1 0 0 2 147.1 172 80 30 66 109
James Holloway 2017-2023 22 18 .550 4.00 283 0 0 0 15 378.0 367 168 43 171 293
Freddie Ives 2017-2017 1 5 .167 5.62 37 4 1 0 0 89.2 94 56 18 45 69
Jorge Jiménez 2017-2033 165 119 .581 4.13 511 368 33 8 9 2612.1 2834 1199 260 676 1762
Colin Julyan 2017-2031 23 25 .479 4.65 320 20 0 0 61 441.1 525 228 47 92 228
Sinclair Kooijman 2017-2020 39 35 .527 4.16 115 96 1 0 0 605.1 658 280 49 95 412
Demetrio Laspiga 2017-2020 10 7 .588 4.08 115 11 1 0 1 181.0 179 82 28 57 136
Chris Lee 2017-2034 191 162 .541 3.75 502 494 17 5 1 3213.0 3242 1340 275 736 1931
Pennington Leftwich 2017-2026 67 81 .453 3.76 296 198 11 2 0 1399.0 1408 585 129 363 1006
Michael Leroy 2017-2028 104 89 .539 3.74 281 273 5 2 0 1722.1 1753 715 193 332 1183
Andrew Lewis 2017-2032 20 23 .465 4.56 435 2 0 0 19 501.2 507 254 51 276 443
Vernon Lewis 2017-2028 4 1 .800 3.57 22 3 0 0 2 68.0 51 27 8 30 55
Bingo Long 2017-2029 61 79 .436 4.35 302 161 20 2 2 1306.1 1527 632 119 295 673
José Lucero 2017-2017 1 9 .100 9.64 12 12 1 0 0 56.0 96 60 10 15 18
Luis López 2017-2020 6 16 .273 6.40 64 36 0 0 0 247.1 313 176 67 80 207
Victor Martin 2017-2018 3 2 .600 5.08 54 0 0 0 0 28.1 30 16 2 20 13
César Martínez 2017-2034 83 96 .464 3.83 1023 8 2 0 268 1187.1 1224 505 192 215 1157
Yves Masson 2017-2019 0 2 .000 9.98 7 2 0 0 1 15.1 29 17 7 1 12
Jorge Mercado 2017-2020 4 6 .400 5.10 56 6 0 0 1 118.1 147 67 19 24 77
Jorge Negrón 2017-2021 1 2 .333 5.00 58 0 0 0 1 104.1 101 58 17 49 48
Mike Nelson 2017-2024 5 2 .714 3.47 109 1 0 0 3 173.2 161 67 18 79 147
Shawn O'Neill 2017-2019 10 23 .303 4.88 53 34 5 0 0 247.0 289 134 18 89 111
Tyson O'Rourke 2017-2019 0 0 .000 5.00 56 0 0 0 1 90.0 83 50 19 50 94
Esteban Ortíz 2017-2036 88 69 .561 4.00 880 110 7 1 17 1612.2 1511 717 223 498 1455
Stuart Pearce 2017-2031 116 117 .498 3.67 655 232 16 5 187 2103.2 1749 858 170 996 2030
Jorge Pereira 2017-2030 53 58 .477 4.38 604 69 3 1 68 1038.0 1048 505 159 325 915
Woody Powell 2017-2019 6 15 .286 6.19 31 25 3 1 0 160.0 203 110 34 42 120
Ángel Ramírez 2017-2030 138 116 .543 3.87 385 339 17 2 3 2272.2 2274 978 226 507 1794
Raimundo Ruíz 2017-2017 1 3 .250 6.90 19 2 0 0 0 30.0 39 23 6 14 21
Gabriel Sabido 2017-2029 25 27 .481 4.30 424 0 0 0 54 548.0 522 262 111 163 546
Jorge Soto 2017-2022 12 29 .293 4.71 145 31 1 0 10 326.2 334 171 57 112 278
Tony Suárez 2017-2024 93 78 .544 3.42 253 211 14 3 1 1530.1 1443 582 125 430 1246
Jason Taylor 2017-2020 10 15 .400 4.87 44 35 1 0 0 205.1 204 111 29 124 119
102 Players
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