3B Ron Paul #11
Age: 40 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Very Good
OA: 30 POT: 30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 5 5 5 5
Gap 6 7 6 6
Power 5 5 5 5
Eye 5 5 4 5
Avoid K's 5 5 5 5
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 2 1
Errors: - 5 4
Arm: 1 7 7
Turn DP: - 4 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: -
1st Base: 1 Center Field: -
2nd Base: - Right Field: -
3rd Base: 1
Running Speed: 5
Stealing Ability: 6
Baserunning Inst.: 6
Sacrifice Bunt: 3
Bunt for Hit: 2
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
Always up for a good game of cards with teammates.
Low: Loyalty
Born in:Covington, KY
Height:6' 2"
Weight:200 lbs
Local Popularity:Unknown
National Pop.:Unknown
Signed Through:-
Major Service:9 Years, 111 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:11 Years, 30 Days
Pro Service:21 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:2 option years left
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:2039, 16th Pick in Round 3
2045 Brooklyn - BBA 24 9 16 3 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 .188 .235 .312 .548 39 36 -0.1
2046 Brooklyn - BBA 25 66 163 33 7 0 2 10 10 11 0 0 41 1 1 .202 .253 .282 .535 41 40 -1.2
2047 Brooklyn - BBA 26 106 286 64 13 0 9 24 21 16 0 1 68 0 0 .224 .264 .364 .628 64 62 -1.4
2048 Brooklyn - BBA 27 13 41 11 6 0 1 4 5 2 0 0 14 0 0 .268 .302 .488 .790 105 106 0.2
2049 Brooklyn - BBA 28 75 166 40 13 0 5 15 12 8 0 0 56 0 0 .241 .276 .410 .686 81 81 -0.0
2050 Brooklyn - BBA 29 156 491 121 18 2 16 37 41 31 0 1 130 2 1 .246 .291 .389 .680 82 79 0.3
2051 Brooklyn - BBA 30 152 515 115 32 1 12 56 53 33 1 4 106 2 2 .223 .269 .359 .629 62 60 -1.0
2052 Brooklyn - BBA 31 97 337 76 23 0 3 44 26 20 0 2 65 1 1 .226 .267 .320 .588 55 54 -0.8
Total BBA 674 2015 463 114 3 48 193 168 122 1 8 482 6 5 .230 .273 .361 .634 67 65 -4.0
2037 Asus - HS 16 40 165 53 13 1 14 46 41 22 0 1 41 1 1 .321 .399 .667 1.066 150 147 1.6
2038 Asus - HS 17 40 151 41 7 0 9 28 22 27 0 1 44 1 2 .272 .380 .497 .877 116 118 1.0
2039 Asus - HS 18 39 171 41 9 1 7 23 24 27 0 1 50 0 1 .240 .342 .427 .769 85 78 0.1
2039 Waco - R 18 62 247 70 15 2 12 33 32 12 0 0 48 0 0 .283 .317 .506 .823 142 146 2.5
2040 Winter Haven - DL 19 21 85 30 6 0 5 14 15 4 0 0 14 0 0 .353 .382 .600 .982 144 144 0.8
2040 Aruba - S A 19 7 25 8 2 0 0 3 3 6 0 0 5 0 0 .320 .452 .400 .852 143 140 0.3
2040 Shreveport - A 19 79 316 84 21 3 9 34 31 11 0 2 62 0 0 .266 .289 .437 .725 102 101 1.5
2041 Beaumont - AA 20 134 534 136 40 5 25 93 84 47 0 3 109 1 2 .255 .313 .489 .802 98 98 1.9
2042 Winter Haven - DL 21 24 96 30 6 0 6 19 16 6 0 3 15 1 0 .312 .343 .562 .905 134 128 0.7
2042 Austin - AAA 21 137 496 118 29 1 9 57 57 55 0 3 120 4 1 .238 .312 .355 .667 72 72 0.1
2043 Memphis - AA 22 4 16 5 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .312 .353 .500 .853 123 124 0.1
2043 Austin - AAA 22 77 297 76 20 1 4 25 24 21 0 0 70 4 1 .256 .305 .370 .675 87 85 0.6
2043 San Francisco - AAA 22 11 22 6 0 1 0 1 3 3 0 0 4 0 1 .273 .360 .364 .724 99 84 0.0
2043 Total - AAA 22 88 319 82 20 2 4 26 27 24 0 0 74 4 2 .257 .309 .370 .679 88 85 0.6
2044 San Francisco - AAA 23 62 197 47 12 1 8 23 31 18 0 1 50 0 0 .239 .301 .431 .732 104 95 0.6
2045 San Francisco - AAA 24 101 376 98 21 1 15 40 40 25 0 0 86 2 2 .261 .307 .441 .748 114 114 2.5
2048 San Francisco - AAA 27 121 455 109 22 1 11 41 42 37 0 2 104 3 0 .240 .296 .365 .660 87 86 1.9
2053 Kamloops - AA 32 119 453 126 33 4 12 64 62 44 8 3 88 3 2 .278 .350 .448 .799 115 113 2.4
2054 Wise - A 33 129 489 131 19 1 20 70 59 40 3 2 104 3 3 .268 .326 .434 .759 115 117 3.2
2055 Sao Paulo - IND 34 100 371 114 23 1 11 62 40 21 2 2 58 0 1 .307 .346 .464 .810 116 118 1.9
2055 Luanda - AAA 34 29 113 41 6 0 3 17 20 13 2 1 18 1 0 .363 .434 .496 .930 165 171 2.0
2056 Sao Paulo - IND 35 151 581 166 37 2 21 75 72 39 0 2 96 4 1 .286 .330 .465 .794 109 111 3.8
2057 Sao Paulo - IND 36 6 22 11 1 0 1 2 8 3 0 0 3 1 1 .500 .560 .682 1.242 230 242 0.4
2057 London - IND 36 88 351 89 16 1 11 40 51 22 0 4 65 6 1 .254 .294 .399 .693 83 83 0.9
2057 Total - IND 36 94 373 100 17 1 12 42 59 25 0 4 68 7 2 .268 .311 .416 .726 92 93 1.3
2058 Athens - IND 37 148 547 127 27 2 10 53 58 42 3 3 103 1 1 .232 .289 .344 .633 76 76 0.5
2059 Lima - AA 38 3 12 5 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 .417 .462 .500 .962 154 165 0.2
2059 Victoria - AAA 38 19 62 16 5 1 3 6 9 4 0 0 14 1 1 .258 .303 .516 .819 125 125 0.2
Total RHML (AAA) 509 1843 454 104 6 47 187 197 159 0 6 434 13 5 .246 .305 .386 .691 90 89
Total WCL (AA) 257 1003 267 76 9 37 157 146 92 8 6 198 4 4 .266 .331 .471 .802 106 105
Total CPL (A) 208 805 215 40 4 29 104 90 51 3 4 166 3 3 .267 .312 .435 .746 110 111
Total SNL (R) 62 247 70 15 2 12 33 32 12 0 0 48 0 0 .283 .317 .506 .823 142 146
Total HSAS (HS) 119 487 135 29 2 30 97 87 76 0 3 135 2 4 .277 .373 .530 .903 116 113
Total DRAKE 7 25 8 2 0 0 3 3 6 0 0 5 0 0 .320 .452 .400 .852 143 140
Total GBC 493 1872 507 104 6 54 232 229 127 5 11 325 12 5 .271 .317 .419 .736 97 98
Total ABA 48 175 57 11 1 6 23 29 17 2 1 32 2 1 .326 .390 .503 .893 152 156
Total SABL 3 12 5 1 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 .417 .462 .500 .962 154 165
2043 San Francisco - RHML (AAA) 22 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .333 .429 .333 .762 113 122 0.1
2045 Brooklyn - BBA 24 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .500 .000 .500 49 111 -0.0
2054 Wise - CPL (A) 33 6 24 6 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 5 1 0 .250 .280 .292 .572 64 61 0.6
2057 London - GBC 36 6 22 8 0 0 1 6 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 .364 .423 .500 .923 146 150 0.6
Total BBA 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .500 .000 .500 49 111
Total RHML (AAA) 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 .333 .429 .333 .762 113 122
Total CPL (A) 6 24 6 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 5 1 0 .250 .280 .292 .572 64 61
Total GBC 6 22 8 0 0 1 6 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 .364 .423 .500 .923 146 150
2037 Asus - HS 3B 35 35 20 46 4 70 4 .943 305.1 1.95 +1.2 1.027
2037 Asus - HS SS 5 5 6 11 2 21 4 .810 43.0 3.56 -1.6 .812
2038 Asus - HS 3B 40 40 15 67 8 90 8 .911 363.0 2.03 +1.2 1.014
2039 Waco - R 3B 62 61 30 117 12 149 2 .987 552.1 2.40 -0.1 1.019
2039 Asus - HS 3B 38 38 9 72 8 86 5 .942 347.2 2.10 +0.8 1.024
2040 Shreveport - A 3B 79 79 29 147 13 186 10 .946 713.1 2.22 +1.4 1.000
2040 Aruba - S A 3B 7 7 7 17 4 24 0 1.000 62.0 3.48 +0.2 .979
2040 Winter Haven - DL 3B 21 21 17 35 8 55 3 .945 181.0 2.59 -0.4 .984
2041 Beaumont - AA 3B 134 134 46 242 28 299 11 .963 1172.2 2.21 +0.5 1.017
2042 Austin - AAA 2B 5 5 13 23 6 37 1 .973 45.0 7.20 -1.3 .868
2042 Austin - AAA 3B 127 123 47 195 21 253 11 .957 1074.2 2.03 +1.3 1.004
2042 Winter Haven - DL 3B 11 11 9 13 2 22 0 1.000 99.0 2.00 +1.4 1.083
2042 Austin - AAA SS 3 3 7 7 0 15 1 .933 31.0 4.06 -1.6 .661
2043 Austin - AAA 3B 71 71 41 109 10 157 7 .955 659.1 2.05 -1.7 .986
2043 San Francisco - AAA 3B 5 4 1 10 0 11 0 1.000 35.1 2.80 +0.5 1.045
2043 Austin - AAA SS 3 1 3 6 1 9 0 1.000 15.2 5.17 -0.7 .854
2043 San Francisco - AAA SS 3 1 1 5 0 6 0 1.000 10.1 5.23 +0.2 .996
2044 San Francisco - AAA 3B 34 31 20 59 2 81 2 .975 279.2 2.54 +1.3 1.038
2044 San Francisco - AAA SS 4 2 5 5 2 10 0 1.000 22.1 4.03 -0.1 .989
2044 San Francisco - AAA RF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 2.0 4.50 -0.4 .500
2045 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 7 4 0 4 0 5 1 .800 36.1 0.99 -0.2 .789
2045 San Francisco - AAA 3B 88 88 49 163 11 217 5 .977 790.0 2.42 +2.4 1.035
2046 Brooklyn - MLB 2B 4 4 9 11 3 20 0 1.000 32.0 5.62 -0.3 .962
2046 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 40 29 17 70 11 89 2 .978 277.1 2.82 +0.3 1.043
2046 Brooklyn - MLB SS 16 6 15 14 5 30 1 .967 70.2 3.69 -5.4 .563
2047 Brooklyn - MLB P 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2047 Brooklyn - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2047 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 62 54 25 102 14 130 3 .977 468.0 2.44 -0.2 1.011
2047 Brooklyn - MLB SS 36 21 38 50 11 99 11 .889 217.0 3.65 -10.9 .684
2048 Brooklyn - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2048 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 9 8 6 12 1 18 0 1.000 71.0 2.28 +0.3 1.098
2048 San Francisco - AAA 3B 114 114 65 231 15 302 6 .980 1002.1 2.66 +6.9 1.054
2048 Brooklyn - MLB SS 2 2 1 5 0 6 0 1.000 17.0 3.18 -0.0 .971
2048 San Francisco - AAA SS 9 7 10 24 3 36 2 .944 69.2 4.39 -2.0 .821
2049 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 53 36 10 67 10 78 1 .987 349.2 1.98 -0.7 1.000
2049 Brooklyn - MLB SS 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 5.0 0.00 -0.1 .000
2050 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 150 149 66 232 27 310 12 .961 1252.0 2.14 -2.3 .991
2050 Brooklyn - MLB SS 4 0 1 3 1 4 0 1.000 8.2 4.15 -1.0 .488
2051 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 151 147 60 273 29 344 11 .968 1243.1 2.41 +1.6 1.014
2051 Brooklyn - MLB SS 8 0 0 5 0 5 0 1.000 14.0 3.21 +0.1 1.031
2052 Brooklyn - MLB 3B 95 94 40 179 22 229 10 .956 815.1 2.42 +1.6 1.050
2052 Brooklyn - MLB SS 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2053 Kamloops - AA 3B 107 106 49 226 24 290 15 .948 927.2 2.67 +2.0 1.032
2053 Kamloops - AA SS 12 9 16 27 7 47 4 .915 83.1 4.64 -3.5 .772
2054 Wise - A 3B 89 85 27 192 10 226 7 .969 779.0 2.53 +6.6 1.041
2054 Wise - A SS 41 39 45 101 10 153 7 .954 357.0 3.68 -3.9 .927
2055 Luanda - AAA 3B 23 23 4 56 2 61 1 .984 204.2 2.64 +3.3 1.048
2055 Sao Paulo - IND 3B 90 88 28 140 9 176 8 .955 754.0 2.01 +0.9 1.013
2055 Luanda - AAA SS 6 6 12 20 4 32 0 1.000 54.0 5.33 -0.2 .991
2055 Sao Paulo - IND SS 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 9.0 2.00 -0.0 1.044
2056 Sao Paulo - IND 3B 150 149 64 265 19 337 8 .976 1305.1 2.27 +6.8 1.046
2056 Sao Paulo - IND SS 1 1 0 3 0 3 0 1.000 8.0 3.38 -0.1 1.054
2057 Sao Paulo - IND 3B 6 6 3 11 0 15 1 .933 55.0 2.29 +0.0 .970
2057 London - IND 3B 81 80 41 136 15 177 0 1.000 719.1 2.21 +3.1 1.051
2057 London - IND SS 4 0 3 4 3 7 0 1.000 12.1 5.11 +0.1 1.077
2057 London - IND LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2058 Athens - IND 3B 144 141 85 215 14 311 11 .965 1223.2 2.21 -0.1 .995
2058 Athens - IND SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2059 Victoria - AAA 1B 2 2 14 0 2 14 0 1.000 18.0 7.00 -0.3 1.033
2059 Victoria - AAA 3B 14 10 7 23 1 31 1 .968 97.0 2.78 -0.2 1.002
2059 Lima - AA 3B 3 3 1 4 0 5 0 1.000 23.0 1.96 +0.4 1.044
TOTAL P 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
TOTAL 1B 2 2 14 0 2 14 0 1.000 18.0 7.00 -0.3 1.033
TOTAL 2B 9 9 22 34 9 57 1 .982 77.0 6.55 -1.5 .897
TOTAL 3B 2140 2069 938 3730 354 4834 166 .966 18239.1 2.30 +40.4 1.022
TOTAL SS 167 103 165 290 49 485 30 .938 1050.0 3.90 -30.8 .818
TOTAL LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
TOTAL RF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 2.0 4.50 -0.4 .500
06/02/2036 Joined the Asus Processors.
01/01/2037 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 3 (7); Power: 3 (6); Eye: 3 (6).
04/20/2037 Was selected to the 2037 High School All-Star Teams All-Star Game.
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 3 (6); Power: 3 (6); Eye: 4 (5).
05/03/2038 Wins the HSAS (HS) BGL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 3 (6); Power: 3 (6); Eye: 4 (5).
05/10/2039 Hits for the CYCLE, going 4-4 against the Firestone Fires, with 1 RBI and 2 runs scored.
06/01/2039 Released by the Asus Processors.
06/01/2039 Drafted in the 2039 first-year player draft (Round 3, Pick 16, 102nd overall pick) by the San Antonio Outlaws.
06/10/2039 Signed a minor league contract with the San Antonio Outlaws organization with a signing bonus of $300,000.
07/23/2039 Was selected to the 2039 Spike Nolan League All-Star Game.
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 4 (6); Power: 3 (5); Eye: 4 (5).
11/24/2040 Named to the 2040 Florida Prospect League for the Winter Haven Outlaws.
01/01/2041 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (6); Power: 4 (5); Eye: 5 (5).
01/01/2042 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 5 (5); Eye: 5 (5).
11/13/2042 Named to the 2042 Florida Prospect League for the Winter Haven Outlaws.
01/01/2043 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 5 (5); Eye: 5 (5).
06/15/2043 Goes 5-7 against the Duluth Freeze, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 1 RBI and 1 R.
07/21/2043 Was traded by the San Antonio Outlaws to the Brooklyn Robins, along with SP Grux Parks, 2B Roberto García, in exchange for RP Júlio Velasco.
01/01/2044 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 5 (5); Eye: 5 (5).
01/01/2045 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
05/04/2045 Injured (Stomach virus), day-to-day for 2 days.
06/11/2045 Was selected to the 2045 Rupert Horn Memorial League All-Star Game.
11/20/2045 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $500,000 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2046 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
11/15/2046 Received a 1-year contract through automatic renewal worth a total of $500,000.
01/01/2047 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
11/15/2047 Received a 1-year contract through automatic renewal worth a total of $500,000.
01/01/2048 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 7 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
11/15/2048 Received a 1-year contract through automatic renewal worth a total of $500,000.
01/01/2049 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
02/14/2049 Injured (undisclosed injury),out for 2 weeks.
11/15/2049 Received a 1-year contract through arbitration worth a total of $700,000.
01/01/2050 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (7); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
11/13/2050 Received a 1-year contract through arbitration worth a total of $1,100,000.
01/01/2051 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
11/15/2051 Received a 1-year contract through arbitration worth a total of $1,300,000.
01/01/2052 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
08/08/2052 Released by the Brooklyn Robins.
12/16/2052 Signed a minor league contract with the Vancouver Mounties organization.
01/01/2053 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
03/31/2053 Released by the Vancouver organization.
04/09/2053 Signed a minor league contract with the Seattle Storm organization.
11/15/2053 Became a minor league free agent.
01/01/2054 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
02/28/2054 Signed a minor league contract with the Portland Lumberjacks organization.
09/12/2054 Injured (jammed finger),day-to-day for 3 days.
11/16/2054 Became a minor league free agent.
01/01/2055 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
04/01/2055 Signed a minor league contract with the Sao Paulo Pilots organization.
07/11/2055 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $6,750,000 with the Sao Paulo Pilots organization.
01/01/2056 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
05/20/2056 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $7,500,000 with the Sao Paulo Pilots organization.
09/25/2056 Wins the GBC Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2057 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
04/08/2057 Released by the Sao Paulo Pilots.
06/10/2057 Signed a minor league contract ($300,000 bonus) with the London Monarchs organization.
08/10/2057 Goes 5-5 against the Athens Fighting Centaurs, with 2 HR, 4 RBI and 3 R.
10/09/2057 Wins the 2057 Global Baseball Consortium GBC Championship by Denny's & Marko Worldwide with the London Monarchs!
11/16/2057 Became a free agent.
12/20/2057 Signed a minor league contract with majors option with the Athens Fighting Centaurs organization.
01/01/2058 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 6 (6); Power: 6 (6); Eye: 5 (5).
05/20/2058 Injured (sprained knee),day-to-day for 3 weeks.
08/06/2058 Injured (thigh muscle strain),day-to-day for 5 days.
11/16/2058 Became a free agent.
01/01/2059 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 5 (5); Eye: 5 (5).
04/08/2059 Signed a minor league contract with the London Monarchs organization.
05/05/2059 Released by the London organization.
01/01/2060 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 5 (5); Power: 5 (5); Eye: 5 (5).
11/03/2060 Retired from professional baseball.
Year GS Rank
2056 150 8
Year 2B Rank
2056 37 9
Year SF Rank
2042 3 4
Sunday, October 20th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 25.10 Build 95