BNN Stats: Active Career Batting Leaders
Monday, November 28th , 2061
So, who is the active leader in the College Conference All-Stars in career sacrifice hits?
José Germán, CLG, 20 Candrakesa Surati, -, 19 António López, LUA, 18 Orlando Rodríguez, ORL, 16 Rick Rudd, COM, 15
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders
Monday, November 21st , 2061
So, who leads the College Conference All-Stars in OPS?
Raúl Castro, POS, 1.425 Pedro Aguilar, CVR, 1.385 Miguel García, BSB, 1.367 Santiago Diéguez, APL, 1.366 Roberto Villalobos, CKE, 1.366
BNN Stats: Career Batting Leaders
Monday, November 14th , 2061
So, who is the leader in the College Conference All-Stars in career OPS?
Bo Jordan, -, 1.348 Drew Zod, -, 1.338 Benjamin Franklin Pierce, -, 1.323 Bill Carver, -, 1.279 Freddie Rigsby, -, 1.196